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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Using Cereal Boxes in Preschool

A few days ago I noticed I had a some left over cereal boxes. I thought I'd share with you some ideas to incorporate cereal boxes in your class.

Try putting rice or beans inside and tape the box. Using them in your housekeeping area is always fun. They don't last very long but they can be replaced easily with a few good parent volunteers.

Here's some other ideas.
Environmental Print: Pre-Reading Skills
First, carefully cut the front, back and sides of the cereal boxes.
These are just fun to post on the walls and use as environmental print.
Or, have students match the fronts with the backs.

Cereal Box Puzzles
Next, try using the front of the box to make a puzzle.
Place your puzzle in the quiet area or dramatic play.

Book Marks
Then, trim the sides of the box to make book marks.
Why not punch a hole in the top and add yarn for a tassel?
These inexpensive book marks can be used in your library or reading center.

Books and Journals
Last, try creating books or journals.
Take the front and back of a box, use a hole puncher to punch holes in both. 
Use construction paper or writing paper for pages. Secure your book with yarn, string, etc.


Have any cool cereal box creations? Feel free to link your cereal box ideas below.

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  1. Very clever & I love reusing things we already have! I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-) I also wanted to invite you to come link up at TGIF Linky Party on Friday -
    Beth =-)

  2. I am so thankful I found this! I have been saving my cereal boxes (I eat a lot of cereal) but hadnt found something to do with them before husband would get sick.of seeing them and throw them outlol thanks!=)

  3. @Beth! Hi there:) I'm a Mommy of four and a preschool teacher so yes I love reusing too. Thanks for following! I'd love to follow you back! Are you tweeting/FB too? You can find me on both using the same name...can't wait to connect:)

  4. @Anonymous - So glad you stopped by. I recently started enjoying the world of coupon-ing and I have been getting cereal for way cheap, so there's always a box or two waiting to be re-used.

  5. Great ideas! Hope you'll visit my blog: Kindergarten for Teachers and Parents.

  6. This idea is so simple and could keep the kids busy for hours (by making their own and then doing them!)! Love that! I had to feature it in a roundup of materials to recycle for the kids - can't beat cereal boxes! -- Thanks :)

  7. We collect enough and make a cereal box house great little reading space;)

  8. Wow! You certainly found lots of ways to "recycle" cereal boxes! I love these activities, as they include so many fine motor, visual and cognitive skills! Thanks for creating and sharing them...will share as well!
