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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Wonderful World of Writing in Preschool

We have a table designated for writing only.  On any given day there may be pens, markers, crayons, note pads, or envelopes for the kids to explore. However, writing is not exclusively for our "Writing Table" only. Here are some other ways we explore the wonderful world of writing.

We use shaving cream on the tables to practice our letters. 

We use sidewalk chalk to be creative. 

The white board provides a smooth easy to wipe surface. 

Making name tags provide great detail and concentration.

Whatever the medium, surface, or opportunity it's worth it to explore the wonderful world of writing. 


  1. I agree. Incorporating writing in lots of ways helps kids build those skills for life.

  2. Wow so many great things to do with my son thank you so much

  3. I love that you included pictures of some of the "scribble". It's such an important part of the learning to write process and so many undervalue its importance. Thanks for sharing such a great post!

  4. I love seeing writing everywhere like in your pictures! The sidewalk chalk is a great idea for warmer days :)

  5. Thanks so much Emily! I'm always happy to see them writing! Have you noticed for some reason it's so tempting to write in someone else's space when using sidewalk chalk? lol
