"A camping we will go, a camping we will go. Hi ho the cherry-o, a camping we will go". Last week our theme was camping. On Friday, we strapped on our backpacks and paraded around the center on a nature hike. We found an orange tree, beautiful leaves for rubbings, pine cones, twigs, and logs for our indoor campfire. Since it was so hot outside it didn't take long for them get tired and long for the comfort of our classroom and a cool drink.
Once we settled in, we discussed the dangers of being outside, the sun, bug bites, scrapes, etc. I passed out plastic baggies, gloves, band-aids and alcohol pads for the kids to create their own first aid kit. While they worked at getting the items in the bag and securing it closed (great fine motor skill activity). I printed labels to place on their bags. I taped each label on with clear box tape.
After lunch, we sat around our campfire to sing songs and listen to a spooky story. We ended the afternoon with smores of course!
Happy Trails,