What is this sign? Can you see a number? What does it make you think of?
Have you ever been to a 7-11? What was your reason for going?
Have you been here before? Some friends go here when they are sick.
Some friends go here when they need shots to keep them well.
What can you tell me about your visit here?
What do you think this place is for? Why?
Do you remember passing one of these? What is it?
What does the red and white striped pole remind you of?
This is a place where people might sit and wait.
What might they be waiting for? How do you know?
What else could you do while you're waiting?
I chose most of these familiar places because of the location of the center. Most of my students live near or in the area and would have been to or at least seen these places before.
I look forward to hearing about your alternative to field trips.
Your Friend,