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Friday, November 11, 2011

Preschool ways to appreciate Veterans Day!

My 3rd grader woke up this morning and dressed in her Fourth of July flag t-shirt and blue jeans. I thoughtfully tied red, white and blue ribbons in her hair. She asked her sisters who they were thanking this Veterans Day. She told us she was thanking her school janitor who fought for our country. Veterans Day is not just reserved for school-age children, preschoolers can appreciate Veterans in their own small ways. 

Here's a few cute ideas to show your appreciation today. 

Create thank you pails. Allow the kids, teachers and administrators to write notes on strips of construction paper. Put the notes in the pail and tell your favorite veterans how much you appreciate them. 

Use stickers to decorate cards, posters and murals saying 
"Thank You" veterans!

Decorate your classroom for parents that are veterans. Prepare a special veteran cookie bag just for them. Remember to take pictures of the class and the child for a special keepsake.  

My class did this for the Fourth of July but it looks awesome for veterans. Use streamers to decorate your fence. Hang a sign that says "We appreciate You".

Here's a completed flag on our outside play area. 

We also used this same streamer for the Fourth of July, it's still appropriate to create a letter 
"T" for "Thanks". 

A Patriotic "Thank You" hat to wear home. 

Use red, white and blue craft items to create a unique collage gift. 

 Hope you encourage your preschoolers to say
Happy Veterans Day,

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