When I host birthday parties and special events, I usually sing songs and do some fingerplays. Most parents aren't always familiar with fingerplays so I usually write them on a white board or chalk board so they can cheat. I thought it would be nice if my cheat sheet sat right next to me. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a stand I was happy with. I visited my local teacher store to specifically find a suitable stand. One of the sales ladies suggested I create something of my own out of PVC pipe. "I dunno," I told her. She assured me it was possible and I left empty handed. It took me another two months before I decided It had to be done.
My husband and I stood in the PVC aisle of Home Depot for almost an hour putting pieces together until we finally constructed what I wanted. It took some cutting from one of their employees (who was less than happy with my determination to get it just so) before I thought it was perfect.
The PVC websites I visited suggested you get all the words and letters off before painting or they will show up. I used sandpaper, I wasn't happy with the results. I suggest trying the acetone instead. Or, painting over the letters and barcodes with Kilz. I didn't get all of the words and letters off and yes, they did show up through the paint.
Here's what it looked like before adding the paint.

See here how the barcode started to show through during the painting process.
Here what it looked like right after the paint.
Here are some of the websites I visited before beginning my project. Warning, there is some really cool creations out there!
Happy Building,

Need cubbies for your classroom? Build your own. See my cubbies here.